When do you indicate during a three point turn?
2008-08-31 02:42:35 UTC
I'm learning to drive and was wondering when you indicate when you are doing a three point turn.

Lets take the example of a three point turn into a driveway. I know you indicate when you turn into the driveway. But do you indicate when you back out? Or when you start to move forward again?

I know that you are supposed to indicate every time you either move left or right but I didn't think you were supposed to indicate while backing. But in my example you would be backing to the right. So then I thought you wouldn't have to indicate when moving forward because you are already on the road and not moving left or right.

Please help I'm getting very confused!
Five answers:
2008-08-31 03:14:18 UTC
There are 8 steps to make 3-point-turn.

1. Check mirrors, indicate left (indicate right if you in Australia), check shoulder.(This step is a basic procedure, every time before pulling away from the kerb (or changing lanes)).

2. While slowly moving forward, turn the steering wheel quickly to full left lock. (right lock if you are in Australia)(‘Full lock’ means turning the wheel as far as it goes. Never turn the steering wheel while the vehicle is stationary).

3. Just before reaching the kerb at the other side turn the wheel to full right lock, if possible (left lock if you are in Australia).

4. Stop! Check the road again in both directions.(If traffic approaches, use common sense. Most times drivers will wait. If they don't - You must give way. )

5. Look behind before moving and while you reverse slowly ( No Need of indication)(If you did not manage full left lock at step 3, complete full left lock now.)

6. As you approach the other kerb, approx 1 meter before, turn the steering wheel back to the left (right if you are in Austraia), while still moving very slowly.

7. Stop! Check the road again in both direction (Traffic may or may not stop for you. Cyclists take very little space to move through and you can not hear them).

8. Complete the turn when safe.
2008-08-31 03:06:27 UTC
well. indicate to turn INTO A driveway. back SLOWLY out of the driveway and angle your car's tail in the proper direction, making sure there is not traffic. check both directions.

the indication of your direction will be the direction you are backing out. you probably wont be using your blinkers, as your break lights and your car's direction is the indication.

3 point turns? i've used those mostly to turn around on a long stretch of road where there was no driveway or turnaround readily available. if you are going to turn from the right side of the road to the left to initiate a 3 point turn, then indicate when yo ustart. dont worry if you blinkers goes off. just make sure there is no traffic coming in either direction at all before you start it.
2008-08-31 02:50:33 UTC
Apart from the fact you're not supposed to perform 3 point turns using driveways, you don't have to indicate when performing 3 point turns.

You must make sure that there are no cars coming in either direction when you are making the turns.
2016-12-11 08:12:01 UTC
3 Point Turn Nz
2016-05-26 14:27:29 UTC
yes, Im confused as well

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