I really need help with school!!?
2009-02-04 15:09:09 UTC
I am so sad, i feel like i want to kill myself. This is my 2nd time im failing a math test and im sick of it!! Im new at this school, and in my other school i did so good! But now i have no idea what happened to me, i really really need help with this subject. What should i do!! I try to study and stuff but nothings working! Im good at it when i do my homework, but when i do a test i always worry and get a mark i don't deserve. What do i do. And please no rude ''answers''
38 answers:
2009-02-04 15:12:41 UTC
Devote more time to it, get extra help from the teacher or a tutor. I hate math. I really do. It aggravates me sometimes. You just have to find your niche for solving the pointless problems and move on.
2009-02-04 15:22:17 UTC
Ok so changing schools can be tough. Just remember that nothing is worth killing yourself. I did bad in high school because I was lazy. After graduation I joined the military, then went to community college, and then transfered to Penn State. I now have a 3.8 GPA for a very tough major. You can always turn it around.

Maybe your study habits are bad. Before a test try giving yourself a practice test. You can make one from problems in the text, use end of chapter reviews, request one from your teacher, or have your parents/friends/siblings make one for you. The key is to take it just like a test. No notes, no answers, nothing that you wouldnt have on the actual test. If you can solve the problems like that you should be good. Maybe time yourself too. This can help simulate the pressure of an actual exam.

Also doing homework correctly is important. Do the homework, get it graded (or check the solutions yourself ), and then examine the problems you got wrong. After that ask the professor to explain what you did wrong and master those problems

If this dosnt help look for a tutor. You can find tutors online (free or pay) that can help you through a chat room or meet you in person. If thats no good just find out who in your class has the best grade and ask them questions or see if they will help you study after class. Also studying with people who are not as good as you can help too. Teaching someone else how to solve a problem is a great way to master it yourself.

Get a good nights rest and go into those tests like you are confidantly marching into battle.
2009-02-04 15:18:30 UTC
I felt the same way as you when I had to go to a new school halfway through high school. It's not that you aren't smart, but possibly it could be the anxiety of being new. It might help to make a friend in the class. It could make it easier to deal with class when you look forward to seeing someone you know there. Once you are more comfortable there, the subject matter will seem easier. If your school offers a tutor, try that or ask a family member to help with homework before a test. And remember, practice makes perfect! Especially with math..
Rita Rose
2009-02-04 15:17:05 UTC
I would go to the math teacher and let him know how concerned you are about the tests. He can offer advice on what to do or he could suggest you having a tutor for math.

I agree with the other answer that you have so much on your mind that you are distracted a lot of the time. But your family moved and you had to go to a new school and that is hard. Maybe your teacher will pal you up with a student that can help you figure out how to get those tests done and ace them. Ask questions of your teacher, they are there to help, always.
2009-02-04 16:16:47 UTC
Don't feel too bad as worry is just UNCERTAINTY under another name.

I'm assuming you are a teenager of 14-16 or thereabouts and I was one once myself.

Here are two strategies to help you succeed but remember that Math is not every person's strength and as long as you know how to do the four basic operations Addition, Subtraction, multiplication and division and measurement you will probably have enough to get through life ok.

Strategy 1: After each lesson, write down at least three things that you have learnt about. Any new words should be written down clearly with a colon and the meaning afer them, just as you might see a dictionary entry. (Do this within 30 minutes of the lesson and you will really improve your results.)

Strategy 2: Talk to someone about what you have written down. Preferably before that day is over. This helps to consolidate what you know and clear up any misconceptions. (The discussion should be at least 3-5 minutes.

Strategy 3: Visit the internet to Dr Math and ask questions about any procedures you are unsure of. Ther are also other websites that give you answers so you should try them as well.

If I have misjudged your age then I do apologise but by what you have said you bring to mind thousands of other teens out there who have to compete with TV, boys and many other distractions while you are trying to study.

One helpful hint to deal with anxiety is to keep a writing pad (worry pad) and write whatever comes into your head (it's only for your eyes) and after writing for a while about the thoughts that go through your mind you stop and reread it and clear up a lot of confusion in your mind.
2009-02-04 15:15:20 UTC
Try to really pay attention in class, do ur homework and study and if it doesn't work then talk to your teacher and ask why your not understanding math when you used to so well at your old school, if you both dont figure out why, then either get a tutor or stay after school evry like tuesday and thursday (or make times with the teacher) every week, good luck:)
2009-02-04 15:14:15 UTC
Well students are always contentious and do not approach the teacher. This is a big mistake espicially if you are failing. Are you in honor classes or advanced? If so you should seriously reconsider it and move down. If not then go the extra mile by asking peers and the teacher with no shame. Make a friend in the class who is good at math
2009-02-04 15:18:43 UTC
Stay after school with your teacher. Review study guides and notes with her.

if tht doesn't work then-

1. Study with a friend (make it more fun)

2. Make up a song for your definitions

3.make flash cards

4. the day you know theres a test review notes!

5. Before you go to sleep, when you wake up, and before you start your test reivew notes

6. On ur computer write the first thing it says on your study guide then give an example then go on and on if theres definitions write it out then print out the paper and study it. Ask your parents or friend to make you practice questions if you get most of them write then ur good to go then if you get them mostly wrong study that more!

talk to a counsler of ur feeling that way and ask her of you could switch math classes
2009-02-04 15:14:58 UTC
You should first of all, talk to maybe your teacher and/or parent and see if they have any personal advice for you. If you need help studying, go online and take some fun tests or play some math games that are at your grade level.

If nothing works out for you, talk to your teacher privately, asking them if you could possibly stay after school or during lunch for some extra help.

Good luck, and stay alive!
Kimi :)
2009-02-04 15:18:39 UTC
Maybe you should try switching math classes. Some teacher's teaching styles just don't work for some people. Talk to your school councilers about switching to a different math class. Hope this helps, good luck, and study well =]
my lala land
2009-02-04 15:17:37 UTC
eeeeppppeeerrrsss!!! dont kill ur self dear!:o just try some math tutors on line or you can go to sylvian i spelled it wrong but it helps people in all subjects. Or maybe it is just cuz tou are new and you are not used to it yet..have a disscucion with your math teacher. Take action dont fail! i used to fail but i got ontop of things and went to afterschool and now im gettin 90s! good luck;)
2009-02-04 15:15:32 UTC
i feel the same way, and its hurting my math grade too. how funny.

i am trying to get more sleep during the week and spend my weekends doing fun things with my friends or alone. things i'll enjoy.

sleep issues can really affect you and if you aren't eating enough (i kno im not who has the time??) that also can break down your mental status durnig school hours. i bet you are making silly mistakes like me. you know the stuff but you could have done better if you'd noticed it at the time. follow my advice and i hope you feel better.
2009-02-04 15:14:06 UTC
Do you like the school? Do you feel lonely? These are things that can throw you off a game. Get a tutor and he/she will help you not only understand the subject but will make sure that you enjoy doing the work.
Kirsty G
2009-02-04 15:13:51 UTC
Get a tutor. They can really help you out. If you can't get a tutor why not start a group between your close mates? Just go over things and then have a sleepover after. Also tell a teacher, or even your parents. They can help you a lot more than you think.

Good luck.
2009-02-04 15:16:17 UTC
Yeah.. I am bad at test taking also. Just calm down and breathe. =)

Talk to the teacher and maybe he can explain things to you or is it possible to have a tutor or take a class that slows things down?

Good Luck!
2009-02-04 15:19:30 UTC
the same thing happened to me, talk to ur teacher and don`t worry while writing the test, only what u learn is on the test...even if u don`t spend time on it at home just listen in the class when the teacher is teaching..don`t worry too much.
2009-02-04 15:13:20 UTC
Ask your teacher for help...ask if you can come during lunch so he can explain it to you better. Or get a tutor. Or at my school they have an after school math class, it's for the kids who need extra help in math, look into it maybe your school has one too.
Tammy M
2009-02-04 15:13:38 UTC
I made it through math by making a good friend in the class. We started talking and I asked her for help. Good luck, you can also try tutoring.
2009-02-04 15:14:09 UTC
as you said you are good at your homework, well, just when you are writing the test, think of it as a homework. try to relax or eat chocolate before you write a test. like an hour before you write the test...

especially math, you need lots practises with them like solving equations. well, i hope i helped you a bit.
2009-02-04 15:16:21 UTC
sounds like anxiety to home you are in familiar surroundings but not at school.and the extra pressure of taking the test is causing brain need to relax.
jessica v
2009-02-04 15:18:40 UTC
FIRST take deep beathe then try after school tutor ask you teacher for

extra help.i would also say see consulor.its normal to feel dont give up keep trying. you will succed.
2009-02-04 15:15:32 UTC
follow these steps. i had the same problem in science

1. calm down

2. take ALL notes

3. use fun techniques to help you remember how to solve questions.

4. follow steps 1-3 ALL THE TIME!

you will be fine
Twist and shout
2009-02-04 15:14:30 UTC
i had the same prob once but dont worry get help from a teacher did you do that? well anyway i hope all is fine just do your best and stayed focused
2009-02-04 15:13:43 UTC
go tell the teacher about ur concerns and they will probably explain stuff to you and help u. tell somebody so that u can improve ur mark. hope this helps

answer my question by clicking on my profile and choosing the most recent question.
2009-02-04 15:13:09 UTC
pretend your back at your old school or talk to the teacher after class if you have any problems or questions and maybe get a tutor
2009-02-04 15:12:48 UTC
Just ask your teacher for help after school. I'm sure s/he will. Good luck~<3
Betta breeder
2009-02-04 15:14:21 UTC
Have you talked to your teacher? They are there to help you to succeed and do well in class. I'm sure you have it in you to not only pass, but have great scores.

2009-02-04 15:14:00 UTC
talk to your teacher and ask more questions in class. and it depends on what kind of math book you use but look in the book and there might be a website that gives you practice problems and helps you study for tests but idk. check
2009-02-04 15:12:57 UTC
I think you need to be in a special education class. I am not being mean. You need to contact your school counselor and parents and ask that they make special accommodations for you.

Have you been diagnosed with a disability?
Band geeeeeeek
2009-02-04 15:12:31 UTC
Awww I'm sorry. Try talking to your teacher and explain your situation. I'm sure he/she can understand and help get you to a tutor that can help you.
2009-02-04 15:12:33 UTC
you have to ask your teacher for help after or before school, or during a time both of you have free time. it honestly will help you out a lot.

that is what i do when i'm having trouble when i work.

and if you go to them for help, they respect you a whole lot more.
Rubber Poop
2009-02-04 15:12:36 UTC
maybe ask your mom to ask the teacher if you can be alone when taking a test . maybe youre just nervous .
2009-02-04 15:12:23 UTC
hmm do you gotta like stuff on your mind? try seeing a counsuler or something or try talking to your math teacher hunn
MiSs. Academia
2009-02-04 15:12:29 UTC
definetly ask the teacher for help or tutoring sessions. youll become better at it. this is what happened to me!
2009-02-04 15:13:05 UTC
I really don't think suicide is a viable choice because you failed a maths test, you have bad days..suck it up
2009-02-04 15:12:58 UTC
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2009-02-04 15:13:46 UTC
dont be so sad its just math im failing to and im upset too so


2) talk to ur teacher

hope it helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dallas S
2009-02-04 15:12:42 UTC
Get mad and study HARDER!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.