Sweety pie!
"It is nice to aim high but it is important to be focused on the bulls eye i.e., ones goal; so as never to miss the target and attain 101 percent accuracy. To achieve that one must do ones very best, with structured and disciplined efforts including getting the best education, guidance, coaching.
The practice makes a wo/man perfect. Therefore, it must be done over and over and over .umpteen times again .. . and ... again so that the desired knowledge (to achieve the goal) becomes an integral part and parcel of one self!
Start early and evry day always early in the morning when the birds start chirping and go steady to win the race! All useless activities and wild goose chase must stop except quality time for; exercise, recreation, meditation, diet, daily self care needs, sleep and self analysis where to improve one self on daily basis. No matter what, always try to be happy and contended and never ever fry your self and the brain in anguish and anger over petty matters. Give small mini tests to your self to honestly evaluate your self that the useful matter is safe in the retentive memory and reproducible at the spur of the moment.
Before one wants to teach and or admnister any one else one must be prepared to become a good admnistrator to admnister and discipline one self, more important ones inner self and even more important than all ones own mind!
With that training of mind the cherished royal road to success would be the most pleasant and exciting journey in ones life, no matter what one wants to accomplish.
Always remember a genius is 2 percent inspirations and 98 percent perspirations but never forget that 2 percent inspiration is the fire that has to be lightened and enlightened withins ones very inner self, soul and mind to accomplish 98 percent perspirations.
So before sleep and early in the morning never forget the honest and humble prayers to seek; Thy Grace to tread always on good path!
After all one is the captain of ones ship i.e., ones self and ones life and one must steer it well", a quotation of Dr. Singh on, 'Human Development and Nature'.
Start early. Use every second to concentrate on your studies in structured way to do umpteen times revisions so there is no room for mistake. Get the best coaching at the earliest to know what to study, how to study, take notes on important questions and answersand what would be taught. Absolutely no day dreaming!
After all you don't want to be an IAS official but the very best of all. So never stop improving your skills and very self for ever.
Hope that helps. Lots and lots of best wishes. Shall share a cup of tea if ever destined on your brilliant success or when ever.