The site below has a list of most of the common tools used in embalming.
As for what we usually use:
Shaving materials (Razor, shaving cream, etc.)
Needle injector (puts a wire through the upper gums through bone to close the mouth)
Eye caps (placed over the eyeballs to keep the eyes closed)
Cotton (for cleaning, placing in the mouth to form sunken areas, and general purpose)
Aneurysm Hooks (metal hooks used for dissection and raising blood vessels plus other things)
Forceps of various sizes (used to grip vessels, other materials, etc.)
Scissors (to cut skin, but mostly for partially cutting open blood vessels)
Scalpel (to cut the skin in order to find vessels)
Arterial Tubes (Placed in the partially opened artery to direct embalming fluid into the body)
Drain Tubes (placed in the partially opened vein to allow blood to drain out of the body)
Drain Tube Hose (attached to the drain tube so blood drains away from the embalmer)
Embalming Machine (connects to the arterial tubes to push fluid through the body)
Massage Cream (used to keep skin hydrated and to make things move easier)
Vaseline (tacky material used to keep things closed - eyes, lips, etc.)
Trocar (long, thin tube inserted into the abdomen to remove fluids from internal organs)
Trocar Button (a small button with a screw-like bottom, used to fill the hole left by the trocar)
Hypovalve trocar (used to inject stronger fluids into areas that hadn't received adequate fluid distribution)
Ligature (string used to suture incisions, wounds, etc.)
Needles (curved, S-shaped, straight, etc. used with ligature to suture open wounds)
Cavity Injector (device attached to a bottle of cavity embalming fluid used to treat the internal organs)
Hope this helps! Feel free to email me and ask questions if you have any.