(1)Check out how theTuition centers a.k.a. Enrichment Centers do their aggressive marketing these days.
(2) Check out how much " CELEBRITY" " Super Tutors" are charging for an hour
(3) Check out how full their classess are , some even put u on a wait list that u will never see any hope of getting any feedback, at least 1staff from a reputable tuition center was frank enough to tell me "dun need to wait, we already hv other parents in the queue for more than a year !! "
Everything is about studying way way ahead , being prepared for "GIFTEDNESS" , being an OLYMPIAN in their academic results.
Kids have no life , no childhood , not enough outdoor play ,not enough manners , not enough moral education , no respect for others( some even to parents ,as long as they get good grades , parents take a back seat on emphasising on these important virtues)
Personally, I feel that education here is too linear style ( boring .....text and more text , rushing to finish assessments after assessments.
Classes are too big ,teachers are overloaded with task and acheivements I am beginning to see a total lack of passion for teaching.
My son's teacher even pleaded with the class to ask their parents to sign on the worksheets so that she can have time for her own daughter.
Teachers handling such a big class usually end up using more than 50% of their curriculum time disciplining the class or chasing after lost worksheets, giving out worksheets , writing all the homework on the whiteboard , giving out reminders after reminders about certain new tasks and outstanding tasks/ homework..... SO WHERE IS THE ENGAGEMENT WITH THE STUDENTS??
So when the teachers are behind time , they jus skimp thru the topic and throw lots of homework at a go.
If i am a student in this era , and need to go thru this vicious cycle with every subject teacher that comes in for everyday , 5 days in a week ..... I wld probably hate school and shut down. ( not to mention more tuition class after school.
Basically , a student only has time for essentials like having his meals , taking a shower , travelling , sleep. The rest of his day is dedicated to school and tuition.
Education should be HOLISTIC , so much talk about HOLISTIC but little done , maybe forgotten ?? I wonder when can we start to educate our new generation in a more indepth engaging and fun way and at the same time mould them to be future leaders to serve the country.
Put academic capability aside, what good attributes do children have these days?? Are they ready to take on the fast changing world? I don't think so , their minds are not creative enough , not enough exposure to real life problem solving. General knowledge is also lacking , personality is either too shy or too loud . Are they taught to be gracious , or ARE THEY JUST THE NEXT GENERATION OF THE KIASU COMMUNITY?
There is a need to hve a major evolution in the way we educate our kids for tommorrow's world.