2010-07-16 18:07:00 UTC
Well, I think if you want to become a doctor or lawyer, it helps to learn from college up education. I mean, the school DO train you...
But in some other cases... like language learning, art, etc.
I'm such a self-paced learner. I ACtually am better off just sucking knowledge up OUTside of school! I hate teachers spoon feeding us, having to cooperate with your Classmates level... and even meeting the requirements of P.E.!? (I don't underSTAND why we still do P.E. in college?!) and my old University (I dropped off) requires us to attend some meetings (doing chores? helping your schoolmates in second language learning? all those things that should had been voluteering, but it's now all mandatory, and require every single student to do it?) And each semester, they want you to listen to two speeches (ppl come to the school to give speeches.) and visit three museums? (they say to train ppl to appreciate Art, etc. So that we won't be ppl who only study, and care not more than what our Department is focusing on?) I mean... that is so elementary. At a University level, one should know already to exercise by themselves, and if they are interested in Art or want to listen to great ppl giving us speeches, we should go automatically bc we are ourselves interested! Why does my old school (and it's the same with others in my country, and maybe even schools worldwide??!) treat students like "robots" and requires you to do this and that at the time they ask you to? Like at the end of each semester, ppl go like... ah! I forgot to attend a second meeting required for this semester!...
We even had to do chores (as requirement of each semester) to get the credit required.
They require you to learn a third language. I already know three. So... I'm forced to learn a fourth. But I seriously don't want to learn a new one before I am good enough with the three I already started learning. For instance, Mandarin is my first language, English is my major, and my Spanish is like... I learned it with native speakers and went to school with them. And I'm not going to waste my time in Spanish I, II OR III. And the two choices left are French and Japanese. Ok, I took a little French in HS, it's not that it'd be too easy for me (different from Spanish). I think I really have no interest in learning French whatsoever.... let alone I'd tried to pronounce, but it seriously isn't for me.
I don't mind learning Japanese though. However, it is super hard to sign up to that class, since it's the most popular... Ppl all trying to get into the class. Ppl who aren't lucky are left with French of Spanish.
Secondly, I really don't want to learn a new language when I still don't want to. However, schools require you to take it IN your sophomore year, you HAVE to take it THAT year! Why can't they be more "flexible"?
Personally, the school should open third language classes, but I really don't think they should force you (require, mandatory) to take them. Let alone which yr you should/can take them!
I'm not too interested in clubs a dorm life in schools either. I think the outside world is much more bigger and more "real". I had long ago find out that school teach you many thing that actually contradict with what society teaches you. And after all you'd have to adapt to the real society and UNlearn what you learned from school and your teachers!!
I don't think college is for anyone who wants to succeed. (And I'm not focusing on ppl who only want to be waiters, drivers, etc. for the rest of their lives. Uh, no offense.)
I think you should be able to teach (like languages) or become a great writer only by self learning. Ppl shouldn't judge you more from your level of "school" education THAN what you really know (the level of how you're really educated, even if it's outside of school and any system.)
But ppl nowadays only hear the school you're graduated from, and then you're labelled?