i mean really does anyone waste ur time nd use spell check, i mean come on, its geeky, but it is cool 2 talk in im style! its soo stupid nd retarded, y do u even have 2 use it? its like u absolutly have 2 b perfect if u use spell check. i use it once in awhile wen i dont no how 2 spell a word thats all, i dont use it all the time nd i dont like 2 look like an idiot, so dont give that 4 a reason 2 use spell check. tell if u use spell check or if u dont. nd tel me y u dont or do. tell me wat u hate about it nd wat u luv bout it. tell me if ur on mi side or not. kkthxbye. nd dont answer stupidly or i will report u nd dont just answer 4 gamin pointz, just b honest nd tell ur opion, nd give a reason y i should side with u. if ur answer is good enough ill give the best answer. thx 4 all ur answers.