2007-09-13 08:04:06 UTC
The letters seventeen in a vibrant orange color across the glossy cover of this teen fashion and advice magazine pretty much says it all. This magazine is geared towards teenage girls who love to shop, put on makeup, and stile their hair. On the glossy eye catching cover the pop singer Ashley Simpson is the cover girl and the headlines read, “Back-to-School” “Hot Hair Ideas” “Fashion and Beauty Tricks” and “ 10 Trends to Try Now.” Flipping through the magazine the models for the ads appear to be in their mid to late teens usually dressed in trendy hip cloths while advertising the newest face wash, fastest acting acne medication, or the latest lip gloss. The girls reading this magazine are living across America in their parents house sitting on their beads lessening to Beyonce’, Justin Timberlake, or Fall Out Boy.
An ad for class rings simply says, “Rember Whatever Forever” in loud pink lettering. The main objects for this add are three class rings placed on a small background of lined writing paper. The main back ground shows snap shots of people scattered and overlapping across the page depicting good times with friends. One picture shows a couple in formal ware dancing at prom or homecoming while another random picture shows four girls in what appears to be a class room acting silly. Other random pictures are overlapping one another while the class rings are the main focus. The random placing of goofy and quirky snapshots triggers the readers own memories of high school and the random placing of the snapshots symbolizes the scattered flow of memories one receives when looking back into their own high school career. Both of these feelings will make the viewer want to purchase a class ring, because a class ring is a simble of high school and senior year.