Hlo Furquan,
1. You can write about some current event that you want to throw light on. (pollution, corruption, decrease in outdoor games with the advent of electronic gadgets... there're LOTS
2. You can interview your school's atheletes or academics toppers and provide some insight on what people can improvise on to improve their levels.
3. You can pull up the history of your school and write it up.
4. You can write about the personalities of your country from A-Z in the form of a poem.
5. You can write a poem which includes all the member of your class (write their names, a small description...
XYZ, of our form is always full of answers,
And not to forget ABC who dozes in the classes)
... whatever.. (but include evryone... tat wud be fun!! u can look back and remember each and every character in your class)
6. If you feel u want to change the system in your school, don't make an direct attempt... just bring up an imaginary character from mars who feels a change of YYY would be good! Make it very humorous and with unexpectable twists!
7. You can write a tribute to some of your loved teachers who might leave the school this year.
8. You can bring up a column showing the feats of your school and the prizes you've bagged this year.
9. You can write about the industrial visit or educational tour or picnic/ excursion/ trip conducted by your school (your class)
10. There's lots more... art, poems, stories and it's up to you to bring them up depending on the area of creativity where you excel....
After all you don't require perfection... and don't forget to submit maximum numbers of articles... one is bound to get selected... years later that particular shool magazine(with your article) will be your treasure (at heart)
.. trust me :)
All the best!