Stay with M.Sc in Bio-tech. Stay focused. Nowadays, everyone wants to pursue an MBA no matter where they are from, whether a B.Sc, in maths , physics, chemistry, B.Com or B.A. The craze for this MBA is getting a bit out of hand. An MBA is better after some work experience.
You can select a teaching career. This is because teachers and lecturers are in short supply. Good ones are even rarer. Since qualified people go for greener pastures like IT and BPO , less people take up teaching as a career . As a result, today's students tend to mug things up and deliver instead of learning by reasoning. So, you can select such a career and make a difference to a whole community.
For this you have to finish M.Sc and do M.Phil or Ph.D . Or you can try exams like SLET and NET. But you still have to finish a PG degree. If you finish M.Sc , you will be more focussed in your line.
I teach final year college students to attend aptitude tests and face interviews. Most of the time I find that many of them do not have a liking to their chosen subjects. All of them have succumbed to either family or peer-pressure in selecting a subject. Many of them have fallen for fancy sounding promises in selecting a career. As a result, many of them are unable to even trace the origin or see the application of their subjects.
This is simple. You ask any student of computer science "What is computer science?" . Only a handful of them would answer. This is true for almost all students. Our education system encourages people to memorize, instead of helping them to think , improvise and push the envelope.
That is why in a nation of almost 500,000 engineers graduating every year, we have less than ten percent of them getting a proper placement.
This is the same case in arts and science courses also. In a country where roughly 30,00,000 arts and science graduates pass out every year, we have less than eight percent of these people getting a proper career.
But still we have a very large requirement of manpower in almost all the sectors.
We need to imbibe thinking skills in our youngsters right from elementary school level. Our country has a reasonably good college education infrastructure. We require qualified manpower.
Picture this: Tamil nadu has the highest number of engineering colleges in India, It has also the highest number of lecturer vacancies in engineering colleges- around 40,000. Most of the colleges 'somehow' get a pass percentage. Now there are talks of another hundred engineering colleges to be opened in Tamil Nadu alone.
This is the same case in arts and science colleges also. They also require good lecturers and teachers.
Two of my students attended walk-in interview for the post of lecturers in a yet-to-be opened engineering college in Trichy and they were immediately selected for the posts. Of course they took this interview very seriously and prepared for a whole week.
Likewise three of my women students of science stream got selected for the posts of teachers in a matriculation school in Trichy itself.
Other options:
You have lot of options available to you. Read the "Employment News " regularly.
You may still need to complete a PG degree in your field.
If you have done any projects or mini projects, it will help.
For a list of the top hundred Indian Pharma companies, visit this link:
For a list of Indian CRO companies, visit this link:
You will need to do a google search and visit the website of each and every company in these two lists to apply to them or talk to them over phone. They usually respond very nicely. They answered me very patiently.
I contacted many pharma companies and CRO (clinical research outsourcing ) companies for my students of lifesciences. My comments are based on their feedback.
Many pharma companies recruit only M.Pharm or B.Pharm.
You see, CRO is still at a nascent stage in India. But Government agencies are recruiting regularly. Read the "Employment News".
VIsit the following website. Go through all the links in this page:
Call me if you require any other clarification.