2010-05-24 06:21:07 UTC
Upon reading Of Mice and Men, I began to understand and relate to each and every character. I found that each character represents a certain aspect of 1930's American life. Two character's in particular that reflect the most for me are Crooks and Curley's wife.
Crooks is the black stable buck. He is greatly discriminates against by the other ranch members. Throughout the novel you learn that Crooks is very intelligent and wise. One example of this is, "Crooks possessed books too; a tattered dictionary and a 1905 copy of the Californian civil code.". It is these details that made Crooks more than the one dimensional black guy and that he hasn't just been typecast as the typical "******". Steinbeck describes him as a "proud aloof man"; something which he doesn't refer to any of the other characters as.
Another large part of Crooks appeal and interest is the segregation and discrimination that he deals with. He is well aware that he is a the bottom of the hierarchy in the work place -based purely on the colour of his skin and his crippled back. It is this discrimination that has made him wary to other people and their motives. Lennie ask him "Why aren't you wanted?" naively as he is totally unaware of the unsaid segregation boundaries on the ranch. Crooks replies with "Because I'm black. They all say I stink, but they all stink to me." This shows his bitterness towards the other ranch hands. He has grown sick of being looked down on and has taken their coldness towards him and has learnt to see them the same way -not because of the colour of his skin, just the kind of people they are for being closed minded.
I find that Crooks story is much more significant than the other ranch workers. "I ain't no southern Negro, I was born right here in California. My father had a ranch." -this quote shows his happiness and freedom at one point; he wasn't always the negro ranch worker; he already had the dream. He is clearly the far more superior in intelligence to anyone else on the ranch. Steinbeck goes in to detail about his collection of books and "gold rimmed glasses". I think it is his role as as the only black ranch hand and that he contrasts with the typical black man; with his great intelligence and wiseness, that makes him so important and multidimensional. He shows his wiseness and foreshadows the unsuccessful outcome of George and Lennies dream. When Lennie talk's about his plans to "tend the rabbits and live on the fatta' the lan'" Crooks replies with "Well, say George doesn't come back? Say he leaves you here? What will you do then?" He is totally aware and suspicious of why George and Lennie go around together. He continues to challenge Lennie about their plan, totally aware that it is unlikely. Crooks proves to be right; George does let go of Lennie (under different circumstances, of course) and they fail to achieve the dream.
The other important character in the novel is Curley's wife. She is the wife of Curley, who is the Bosses son. They live well financially and comfortably. Steinbeck only ever refer's to her as "Curley's wife" throughout the novel, she isn't given a name. This show's signs of her importance as a person being limited, these were sexist times. She is referenced to merely as Curley's wife; Curley's possession which makes her character feel unconfident and worthless. Curley's wife and Crooks have parallels in how they are perceived on the ranch and in general society at this time.
We learn throughout the novel that Curley's wife isn't happy with Curley. We also learn that she isn't as shallow as Steinbeck first portray's her, she is more than just "Purty" or a "Tramp" as George refers to her. In chapter 5, she appears, signalling the end beginning of the end of the dream for George and Lennie. She walks in on Lennie and begins a half hearted conversation with him. She confesses "I don't like Curley. He's not a nice fella'." She clearly feels trapped and isolated. "I coulda' been in the pitchers, y'know". She had clearly not reached her potential as a person, she married instead which left her feeling unfulfilled. "I coulda' made something of myself" But when that didn't happen for her immediately, she may have settled down to marriage for security; something that her dreams didn't hold. What Curley's wife signifies is the message that even females, who are well off, living in comfort with a husband on their own ranch, aren't necessarily happy. Curley's wife encapsulates the person on the other side of the ranch hands; someone with money, 'love' and stability,