2012-08-20 11:20:31 UTC
Btec Health and social care
English language
Now i want to do:
English language
English literature
These are my Gcse:
Maths C
English Language C
English Literature B (predicted)
Health and social care BB
Hospitality and catering BB
Btec Science CC
GCSE core science D - got a D but i have done a resit and probably got D
GCSE additional science D (Predicted) maybe C
French D
History D (predicted) maybe C
I have had my interview at sixth form and given an acceptance pack to send to the sixth form and i have been given an enrolment date. Does this mean i am in the sixth form? And will they allow me to change the courses that i picked on my application? I have double vision so that is the reason why i am not doing health and social care because i wouldnt be allowed to do the job. Any hellpp???