2012-10-04 11:36:00 UTC
Chemistry as definite A levels but for different unis you need others. I want to do film studies which wont help me at all in the long run but I was planning on just doing AS in it and i really want to do it because it sound really interesting! the same goes for physiology because i find that really interesting too and it may help a little with a doctor.
so overall these are the A levels I am concidering Chemistry, Biology, Film studies, Physiology and one of these (english, physics, maths) not sure which. Is it too hard to do 5? I am in year 11 at the moment and so far, for the exams i have taken these are my grades
English Lit - A*
Citizenship- A
Maths unit 1-A
maths unit 2 - A
biology unit 1- A
chemistry unit 1 - B (one mark from an A)
Physics unit 1 - B (one mark from an A)
for anyone who doesn't understand the units, because it is triple science, they split each science into 3 units so overall you take 9 science exams, 3 for each which equal your total grade. same for maths