First...hear is an example of an "Ode" andree quarles
Ode To A Frog
He slurs and burps in Marshy Fronds,
A Bandolier, all night long.
His alto Voce may be a croak,
He seems to be a happy Bloke.
Ay yes, my friends, you've Pavarotti,
But as for me--I'll take Froggi
Red Cat's Poem My name is Red and I was not well fed,
One reason for joining the Army,
I arose at dawn and went to bed,
But not when I took it into my head.
We did it bivouac in the Army.
I was ready to go when the bugle they blew.
One had to keep up in the Army.
"March, stay in step, You Son of a Gun."
They kept me continuously on the run.
The Army was rough; it was tough,
And my stipend half pay, still
I can truthfully say
Life was not too bad in the Army.
Andree Quarles
See how the Author/poet is praising the subject of the Ode?
Now here is how to write an ode...remember to use what ever u feel is right..
Created by Pindar out of the traditional forms of Greek tragedy, the ode is generally defined as a rhymed poem of irregular meter that praises its subject. The English ode consists of an undefined number of 10-line stanzas.
* STEP 1: Consider the subject matter that you wish to write about, and remember that beauty can be found in the least expected places. Was watching "American Beauty" the first time you thought a plastic bag caught in the wind was beautiful?
* STEP 2: Write a 10-line stanza of iambic verse using an ababcdecde rhyme scheme.
* STEP 3: Proceed to write as many 10-line stanzas as desired. Use the same rhyme scheme pattern in the following stanzas, but with different rhymes. If you do this correctly, the "a" of a stanza will rhyme only with the "a" of that same stanza
and finally......
Don't let peers who claim to be poets discourage you from using poetic forms. When you hear a poet say how much he or she dislikes writing in form, remember that a great artist sees the opportunities in every canvas, regardless of shape or size. A poor artist sees only the limitations
Be Good...TP