Okay I took AP english (along with honors english for 3 yrs) my senior year and from your list I have read Walden (6), Brave New World (5)-I hated it, 1984 (7)-omg I despised this book with a passion, Crime and Punishment-(7-8)- this was long but good!, Pride and Prejudice- (4)-loved it, Hamlet (8)-really good too.
Heres also some of the others I read:
Scarlet letter, East of Eden, Lord of Flies, F. 451, Of Mice and Men, Streets of Crocodiles, Good Soilder Svjek, Kite Runner, The Joke, This way for the Gas Ladies and Gentlemen (<--MUST READ!), Catcher in the Rye, Street Car named Desire, Jane Eyre, Emma, Great Gatsby (one of the worst books ever), Night, Life of Pi, A Town Called Alice and many more.
I definitely have read my share of good and bad literature lol.
I took a required English class at U of M last year and we read Walden again, Daisy Miller, Seagull Reader:Essays, and Goodbye Columbus (highly recommend this book!) and, of course, a huge overload of poems.
Have fun reading!