What is the best font to type up assignments?
2008-01-13 04:36:44 UTC
I'm always stuck on whether which font to use to type up my homework. What do you normally use? I'm sick of using Times New Roman. What are some really good fonts? Also, what font size do you use? 10 or 12? Thanks!

By the way, as for the main heading, do you use 'Word Art' or just plain, using bold and underline? Thanks once again.

xx. [B]wendii[E]
32 answers:
2008-01-13 04:54:23 UTC
I been using 2007 recently, which introduced me to a new font: Calibri. I make Calibri a 11 size font, and make sure each paper i make has a 1.15 space in between. It looks neat and not too fancy, and i prefer it over Times New Roman, which I used before. I usually make my title Vivaldi (which I usually make to a large size to make it stand out). It's not too hard to read and it looks fancy in cursive.
2016-12-24 13:23:01 UTC
2016-11-14 07:17:35 UTC
Best Font For Reports
Shane G
2008-01-13 05:03:44 UTC
If you are writing for an English class project, the best readable font is 16-18 point for the title and 14 point for the body of the project.

Times New Roman is the best to use for most English, Science, and Social Studies projects.

If you are writing a story, a creative piece, or for some other purpose, you could use wordart, but be very careful that it is readable and professional looking. That goes for any other font types that you use as well.

When I present materials for younger kids, I like to use comic sans because it makes your a more like a child's printed a, so it becomes understandable to younger readers.

You could also use that in the middle of a story if you wanted to illustrate the note that a kid wrote.

Try to use the color type to bring out important words instead of the highlight. That can add interest to your writing as well, but don't use it too much.

Simple, dull, readable, standard type is usually the best and most professional.
2008-01-13 05:09:00 UTC
Hopefully I can save you a lot of time and a lower grade! Times New Roman is the standard font used for typing homework documents, etc. There' a reason -- it's easier to read. Use a size 10 or 12, doesn't really matter, but 12 is larger (and easier to read) and don't use Word Art for titles, please!! It looks nice, but it's purpose is for decorative stuff, like birthday cards, etc. -- not homework.

You don't say how old you are, but from a teacher's point of view, I'm not interested in seeing how creatively you can type a paper, I just want the info. or answers. And if you muddy up the paper with fancy typeset, etc. you're bound to make an error, and it could cost you points. If you must change the font style, etc. make two copies of your work. Hand in one and do what you want with the second.
2008-01-13 04:40:51 UTC
When I went to school we did our homework with paper and pen but I like arial font and a size 12 is very clear with that font even a size 10 - as for the title I might choose a font that relates to the subject (I have about 5000 fonts on my computer) or just go block lettering and centred
2008-01-13 04:41:51 UTC
It depends on what type of work you are doing.

Does your instructor not give you any type of guidance?

Even though it might be fun or a little more creative to use different fonts, colors, art, homework assignments and in the future professional work needs to be vanilla.

Use Times New Roman or Arial (my preference). I generally use 10.

I know this is not fun or exciting, but get in a good habit for high school, college and eventually your career.

Save and use your creative side for other projects and/or personal correspondence!

John L
2008-01-13 05:04:50 UTC
Use Matisse! No, like everyone else said, use Times New Roman, Arial, or the like, because it's usually required. I never use Word Art on the heading unless it's a poster or slideshow. Just use underline and or bold. In my High School we are required to use 12 font.
2008-01-13 04:42:08 UTC
The best advice I can give you is, "Ask the teacher what they want you to use." Some teachers are a little picky about those things. For my students, I accept Times New Roman with 12 point font size. I know it can be a little boring, but it's my personal preference. Good luck.
2008-01-13 04:53:33 UTC
times new roman is the most used font.ya it has become could try comic sans ms.but that too has been used too many times by people wanting a could dowload sme really kool fonts frm the net like ice, spooky etc.but these fonts do not work if the file is transeferred to some other system whre the ths particular font is not installed.if ur assignment is gonna be printed out try downloading some kool fonts


as for font size 14 is gud on paer.but tht again varies depending on th font.try diff font sizes in print preview
2008-01-13 04:41:05 UTC
Standard font for reports is Times New Roman. Some people use Courier. Always use 12. Stay away from Word Art unless you are in middle school and the teacher has given you permission to be creative on the title page.

If you are in High School or above, please use the standard APA format.
laura C
2008-01-13 04:41:46 UTC
I would not use word art for a school assignment. I like Ariel font size 12 or comic sans size 12.
2008-01-13 04:43:49 UTC
It depends on what your teacher asks for. I use Courier New and Comic Sans and have since I was in elementary school. Now that I am getting my masters I still use those fonts.

If your teacher does not have a set way he/she wants you to do your heading "Word Art' would be OK. Most teachers prefer the heading to be underlined or on a separate piece of paper with the title, your name, the name of the class, and the due date- centered in the middle of the page.
2008-01-13 06:00:39 UTC
The font you should use is times new roman. Its is the most used font when people type. I only use word art if it is a project. Otherwise I use regular font if it is a paper.
Tim D
2008-01-13 04:43:16 UTC
Arial is a good plain font. As is Helvetica or Verdana.

I usually type in pt 12 size. The aim is to be easily readable, your marked on content, not fancy fonts.

You could use Impact for headings or Arial Black if the rest is in Arial.If you wanted something informal then Comic Sans.
2008-01-13 04:42:59 UTC
times new roman is a classic, and it is required by some teachers. Arial 12 was required for us in sophomore and freshman year, with 1.5 space.

personally I like tahoma in 12. If you have MS Office 2007, their default, calibri or something is also good

for the headings, you can use MS Word's premades, use the Title or Headings 1-3. With title it usually has a line with all of the title including space, and it is stylized. then you can add a subtitle, where I usually place my name and section.
2008-01-13 04:40:28 UTC
Georgia is nice. Or Century or Palatino. Don't use arial, or indeed any sans-serif font, as these aren't as easy to read on paper. USe 12 pt, and set the line spacing to 1.5 lines. And there's no need to use Word Art.
2016-02-22 14:40:57 UTC
I often like to use either Gulim or Gadugi in size 12. However if you want to make it look like you've written more use size 14. I always make sub headings 2 sizes larger than the text size and the title another 2 sizes larger than that.


- Text 12

- Sub-Headings 14

- Title 16 - 18
2008-01-13 04:41:15 UTC
I use arial and normally 12pt font.

The heading is always plain text that isn't too big, but is big enough to distinguish between normal and heading.

Also, don't underline the heading and using bold isn't always good either.
~*Ms. Mescha*~
2008-01-13 05:49:39 UTC
Times New Roman 12 pt.
2008-01-13 04:39:34 UTC
times new roman is the most popular font to use and most teachers and professors require it.

another font is arial. you can use any of the fonts that are acceptable in the mla stylebook for wring papers. arial is great if you want to make your paper look longer b/c its bigger than times new roman.

you always use 12pt font in mla papers.

for the main heading, i would never recommend using word art. its not professional and it looks out of place in the paper. use the same font as the rest of your paper. to make it stand out as a heading, you can make it one size larger, make it bold, italicize it, or underline it if your teacher allows.
mor e
2008-01-13 04:39:02 UTC
2008-01-13 04:39:51 UTC
comic sams font 12
2008-01-13 04:40:33 UTC
ariel, or courier, you don't want the fancy ones. and 10 or 12 depends on the style of the font. either or.

main heading? you could use bold, but i don't use anything.
2008-01-13 04:52:12 UTC
I would use Times New Roman 12. For headers, use bold and underline. If you want to snazzy it up, use the case small caps.
2016-03-17 01:36:39 UTC
tighter than double-spacing but not as tight as singe-spaced this is likely the normal default setting on the computer anyway so I wouldn't worry about it too much
2008-01-13 04:43:24 UTC
Georgia is nice. or Century or Palatino. use 12 or 13!! I LOVE using WordArt it makes things look fun and creative!! Good luck if you have an assingment :]
Im just a girl.ツ
2008-01-13 04:39:59 UTC
arial, i like to use bold and underline, but i find mixing it up really makes the teacher lest biased when they get to my assignment xD
2008-01-13 04:39:59 UTC
Arial. or Tahoma. or Book Antiqua.
2008-01-13 09:18:09 UTC
Arial is the standard./
2008-01-13 04:39:38 UTC
I use tohama

It looks professional
avathar p
2008-01-13 05:07:04 UTC
comic sams

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