16 year son with no qualifications?
2007-06-26 04:30:34 UTC
My son left school six months ago with no qualifications. Recently he went for an interview for an apprentice ship and he got 2 interviews, passed test and boss said he liked him and that he had a good attitude. He did some part time temporary casual labouring work for this boss a few weeks ago to help him out and was reliable andpunctual.
Today boss
asked to see him and we thought that my son had got the apprenticeship post but boss said that the people who actually do the training - he is sent away to college one day a week have said that my son will struggle with the maths component and will not give him a chance.

we are so disappointed especially as boss says he likes his attitude etc but has basically told son to go and get maths qualification.
what would you do ? son is not keen to go to college full time as wants to earn some money. ln uk
Eighteen answers:
2007-06-26 05:08:29 UTC
Your son needs to take the National Test in Numeracy at Level 2. This will give him the up-to-date maths qualification he needs and most employers will accept the Level 2 Test in place of a GCSE Grade C Pass.

The National Test is something which has been brought in by the Government to allow adults to show that they are literate and numerate to a competent level (your son could also take the Literacy exam if he so wished).

Taking the test is free and flexible. Various adult learning centres offer it; your son will receive free tuition and can take the test whenever he is ready. Learners usually brush up their skills for around six weeks before sitting the exam. Your son could study part-time during hours which suit him. It's a much more realistic option to retaking GCSEs and it takes a fraction of the time.

I would strongly urge you to check out the following link for more information:
2007-06-26 04:47:04 UTC
Hmm... i understand this perfectly!

My nephew is exactly the same age and situation. How about this way. Do a correspondence course online or go part time. Afraid you will have to hard talk with your son, this is the sign of the times. If you have no qualifications then you need to get some because no one will give you a look in as you have found out. The best would be for your son to go to college at least part time and get those basic maths and English skills. He could also possibly try some vocational or professional course.

If you look many GNVQ or NVQ qualifications also state they are equiv to so many GCSE's A - C grade which will not only get your son some real professional skills rather than the standard academic stuff but also get him up to scratch. Once he has started a correspondence, part time or online course get those course papers (the letter, course pack info etc...) and show the boss. That boss seems they like your son a lot and value them, perhaps they would invest and pay for your son to study the maths or at least go 50/50 with you.

Show incentive and i really believe the boss will support you. I started out with F in maths, D in English. I later through the GNVQ route ended up with a BSc(Hons)Computer studies and i am a boss. I think your boss is really looking for long term things with your son so try and get that financial support!

Good luck

PS: In addition realize Australian, NZ and Canadian colleges got with international standards so recognized in the UK too. Of course it will really help your purse to pay their currency which is much weaker than the pound but still get a useful qualification. Keep this in mind ;) Keep away from US colleges since they have a BIG problem with unaccredited and fake diplomas.
2007-06-26 04:46:46 UTC
I work in this industry so I know that clients do prefer people with qualifications in the construction and engineering industries. However, it is worth pursuing labouring work with large companies as this will give him a good reputation within the industry and allow him to be known within the area. It may also get him in with a company who may progress him. Some companies may not let people under 18 on site though.Also part time courses will look good if he goes for another apprenticeship. Being reliable and tuning up are great especially for agencies as there is nothing more annoying than being let down so he could also try that route.

He just needs to keep at it and just spend a few months getting that maths qualification as he already seems to have a good attitude which is the important thing.
Veronica Alicia
2007-06-26 04:47:02 UTC
Would the boss be willing to keep your son on as a P/T labourer if he enrols at night school to brush up his Maths?

Shows that he's willing and is keen to stay with his current employer.

Or, enrol at College and earn some money doing something after College hours and weekends, part time, like setting up a Pet Care Agency, window cleaning, grass cutting service around your neighbourhood.

Have some cards printed in a shopping mall - call himself "Handy Andy" or something - to look professional and drop them through letter boxes and put them on supermarket boards. He could finish up employing his present boss!
2007-06-26 04:39:24 UTC
Rather than go back to college full time ,can he not study maths at a evening college or school? He could also possibly do some evening studies of the technical subject that suits him. This would leave him free to get some sort of work in the day and earn some money. OK it would restrict his leisure time for a while but it is worth it in the long run.
2007-06-26 04:46:13 UTC
Thats a shame, maths is really not as difficult as he probably thinks. I was terrified of maths until I was about 25.....and a few years later (not many) I can tackle any maths problem with ease, which is a relief to my patients i can tell you.

If you knew someone that was generally quite good at maths they could help or he could go to his boss and ask for some of the equations that he would have to know and get specific tutoring. The college would also help him get through it as it is not in their interest for him to fail. Get him to go back to his boss and show him that he can do it and that he will take steps to ensure it. Best of Luck
2007-06-26 04:46:53 UTC
God, you're his mother! You should be encouraging him to go to college. I left school and went straight into office work because I wanted to earn some money. I'm 18 now and I really wish I had gone to college because I feel like it's too late now, I'll be older than a lot of people in my class and I'm used to the money I am on now ect.

If he wanted this apprentaship so much he'd have gone for it. Maybe if you tell him my story he might change his mind. Unless he wants to end up working in a boring office as a junior or maybe as a run-around in Tesco?
2007-06-26 04:36:25 UTC
For every apprenticeship you have to do one day at college, if you son really wants to do this then he will agree to go to college work hard and get the grades he needs to do what he wants to do as a career...

If not then he will end up being a labourer full time, no one wants this.
2007-06-26 04:34:39 UTC
Why does he not do a night school or part-time course at college in maths. This way he can work and gain the required qualification then try again for the apprenticeship.
2007-06-26 04:46:40 UTC
Try a Learndirect centre near you. It is completly flexible learning and so long as you have the internet at home, he can learn at home. They provide a qualification known as a National Certificate in Adult Numeracy at Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 is equivalent to GCSE D-G grade and Level 2 is A-C grade. It takes less time than a full GCSE depending on what level he is working at now.

Log onto to find your nearest centre
2007-06-26 10:59:44 UTC
contact the college as this is unfair.. you can complete keyskills along with an apprenticeship, also the college should be on hand to help your son overcome these problems. my younger brother has recently been taken on and is due to start his apprenticeship in sept.. he has no qualifications and struggles with his maths and englsih yet the college have said to complete keyskills and also that extra help is on hand. if the college are still not happy to help then maybe contact your local LEA?? hope this helps... :D
2007-06-26 04:42:32 UTC
I left school at 15 without qualifications. I eventually returned to education 10 years later and worked my backside off. I eventually went to university and obtained a law degree and now practice as a soilicitor.

The point is, just becasue he is drifting at the moment, does not mean that his future is set in stone. He can attend college part time and work full time.
2007-06-26 04:37:16 UTC
I would ask to meet the college tutor in person and plead my case to them and show them how committed I really was> if that doesn't work then carry on labouribng but go to evening classes to get the maths qualification
*In constant wonder*
2007-06-26 04:45:54 UTC
Your son doesn't want to got to college for a year for the sake of his future (where he can work part-time and earn EMA) he'dbetter learn to dance, sing tell jokes or shag famous girls because that's the only way I've seen it work.
Jane G
2007-06-26 04:34:38 UTC
You've got to play the game by the rules. Going away and getting suitably qualified shows committment. Things that are worth having in life don't normally fall into our laps.
2007-06-26 04:35:14 UTC
I had the same problem too, you're son needs to go back to college to re-sit his GCSE's or atleast go to an open learning centre to get some form of support with his maths. They have lots of adult learning places in the UK, they're free too.. so take advantage!
Gautam B
2007-06-26 08:37:08 UTC
What are you doing in last 10 years? Your responsible for all this things. Parents should be more careful & watchful at teen age of their child.
2007-06-26 04:34:09 UTC
You should have kept your son in school and made sure he finished his exams rather than dropping out and having no direction in life.

sorry, its harsh but true!

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