How do I find an out of print book?
2005-09-25 00:00:00 UTC
When I was a kid I remember seeing a book that was like an yearbook of all newspapers published by the Times during WW II. Each of the years is compiled into a different book.
It gave one a very uniqie perspecitev into the UK druing the war, and even had advertisements from thaat time.
Anybody out there know how to track such books?
Two answers:
2005-08-25 15:38:30 UTC
There are several websites that you can find rare or out of print books. A couple would be or These sites list books by booksellers all over the country and some internationally.
2005-08-25 23:08:32 UTC
Bookfinder does a metasearch across various online used book stores

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.