2014-07-25 21:48:44 UTC
it is is proven to be better for all students if schools were separated by gender yet for some reason they don't get much support. Why? The only reason I get is that "boys and girls need to get to know each other". That is not what school is for. They can do that outside of school and in college. Is it really that important a child starts dating or loses their virginity at the age of 14?
Also, people say it would cause a kid to grow up awkward around the opposite sex. This is pure rubbish as plenty of people that went to single sex schools said they get along with the opposite sex just fine. I have even read some nonsense that said single sex schools "turn people homosexual" which of course is complete BS. This idea that one is completely sheltered from the opposite gender and never, ever associates with them if attending a single sex school is rather ridiculous. And rather untrue, based on loads of peoples experiences.
also, when people say "co ed schools prepare kids for the workplace". Let us not kid ourselves, the way most kids behave in school these days is absolutely nothing like how they have to behave in the workplace. Have you seen how most kids these days dress and act in school?
One thing I have noticed is that it seems mostly Americans that are flat out revolted at the idea of single sex schools. Other countries seem more open