Good books to expand my vocabulary and writing skills?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Good books to expand my vocabulary and writing skills?
118 answers:
2007-11-15 19:21:38 UTC

Keep a good and UPDATED word dictionary (for new vocabulary words) and an idiom dictionary (for new expressions/idiomatic phrases) when reading. A dictionary is considered updated if it has been published five years ago from the current year or less; Merriam-Webster Dictionary is a keeper. For the books, start with the classics. UNABRIDGED versions would be best, since the ABRIDGED versions often remove the original vocabulary of the literary work (abridged classics are good for kids though if you want to introduce classic works to them at an early age). If you encounter words or phrases that appeal to you, list them down. TIP: There are some books that make use of words or phrases in foreign languages, such as German (ex. "weltanschauung" for "a person's world-view or philosophy"), French (ex. "Bonne chance" for "good luck"), or Latin (ex. "Carpe diem" for "seize the day"). It would be good to take note of these too, since they are sometimes used in day-to-day conversations or in movie lines. ;)


For ideas on how to enhance writing skills, check out the newspaper headlines and editorial pages --- not just the lifestyle section/s. NO TABLOIDS. =D Not into the usual dailies (ex. New York Times)? Start with your college newspaper. =)

Familiarizing oneself with new words, keeping oneself updated with current events and polishing writing skills can take a lot of practice. They may initially be tiresome to do, but they turn out to be rewarding in the end if you choose to push yourself to do it. ;)

Good Starters for Classics:

- "The Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum

- "Heidi" by Johanna Spyri

- "Black Beauty" by Anna Sewell

- "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens

- "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens

- "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens

- "The Swiss Family Robinson" by Johann Wyss

- "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne

- "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" by Victor Hugo

- "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo

- "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas

- "The House of the Spirits" by Isabel Allende

- "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

- "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

- "Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate)" by Laura Esquivel

- "Written on the Body" by Jeanette Winterson

- Shakespearean plays (Try "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Romeo and Juliet" and "The Taming of the Shrew" to name a few; these are good comedies if you're not into the tragic ones such as "Hamlet" and "Othello".)

- Greek mythology (check out Edith Hamilton's compilation)

There are tons of other literary masterpieces out there worth exploring. No dough for buying a book? Check out the nearest local library. =)

Happy reading and best of luck with the writing skills! =)
2007-11-15 16:51:13 UTC
There is a series of books that are commonly used in high schools. It is called Vocabulary Workshop and it is published by Sadlier-Oxford. This is a great vocabulary builder. Also, any SAT prep book will have a great vocabulary section.

Regarding writing well, my favorite books are Strunk and White's Elements of Style and On Writing Well- I don't remember the author's name on this one, but do an Amazon search and I'm sure it will come up.

Good luck
2007-11-15 17:23:25 UTC
read more. Also Nintendo has come out with a game designed to expand your vocabulary
2007-11-15 18:36:59 UTC
Keep up with current events. Some newspapers have a higher reading level than others (like the New York Times, or Washington Post) and though I am a vocabulary buff / wordsmith, I still find words that I don't know anything about.

Any word I come across, I write down on an index card and look up on the internet. The key to remembering the word is writing it's definition down, as well as a sentence that illustrates it's proper use.

In high school I also received word of the day emails, and I used those to make lists that I studied. Eventually many of those words made their way into my daily vocabulary, and people began to ask if I went to sleep with a dictionary under my pillow.

The key is writing it all down, giving yourself another memory to recall what the definition is...
2007-11-14 16:13:54 UTC
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynne Truss

If you have not read it I would suggest it. My sister read it during college and found it extremely helpful when writing her papers. Best of luck
2007-11-15 16:24:22 UTC
Dont know if this will help... But if you havent read J.R.R. Tolkeins lord of the rings books, and possibly hobbit you dhould try them. good luck. hope this helps.
2007-11-15 17:00:17 UTC
2 possible choices

1. The newest dictionary/glossary u can find

2. this isn't a book but any way if you have a DS or a Wii a good vocab. enhancer is Word Coach
2007-11-16 00:15:23 UTC
Google "Vocabulary from Classical Roots" and check out the workbooks. We use it in homeschooling and I really think the upper grade level books are tough enough even for most college students.

I was an English major in college. I love words!

Also - if you're interested in actual reading as opposed to workbooks, try some additional Mark Twain. Older writing styles take more thought, but are still entertaining. Twain's Joan of Arc is great. Kipling and Hawthorne would be good authors to read as well.

I don't have as much time to read for my own pleasure as I'd like, so sometimes I settle for short stories. I have found lots of them available for free online. You'll even find short stories by those old authors I mentioned.

Just to show you how sick I really am, I go to the college bookstore and buy the Literature/English books even though I'm not in the classes. They often have a great compilation of Literature. They are often availble used and would be great to use over holidays.

I find lots of used testbooks at

Have fun!
2007-11-15 22:54:15 UTC
Any kinds of books as long as you keep on reading everyday.
2007-11-15 19:06:46 UTC
Try reading "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austin. You'll be so busy looking up words in a thesaurus you'll naturally learn a whole new vocabulary. Good luck!
2007-11-17 14:19:59 UTC
Exit Strategies by Catherine Todd has a lot of law jargon in it, as well as typically intellectual speech, so is a very good read. Beautiful Atrocity by Mallory Evans is also good, using such words and matutinal and zaftig freely.
silly girl
2007-11-16 06:55:49 UTC
I have found that the best way to do this is to just read everything. The more you read, the more you learn. If you don't know a word when reading, pick up a dictionary and look it up. Make sure you know how to pronounce it, too, so that you can use it in speech as well as in writing. When you read, notice the different styles of writing. Experiment by writing short stories or passages in those styles. Find out what makes you really like certain styles or plots, and write them down. Refer back to that list when writing, so you can write in a way you will like. I would say that when reading, try to read more books from a while ago (such as Jane Austen's books, or even Anya Seton--Katherine is an amazing novel), because they tend to have more "big" words than books placed nowadays. (although books from now can be a very good resource too). Plays are good, but they're not the best for vocabulary or learning to write, because they're speaking, and it's very different from novels, and because that kind of writing is so limited. Unless, of course, you want to be a play write. Then, by all means, read a play. I also find that crossword puzzles (relatively hard ones, at least) help with vocabulary. Other word games, too.

Hope this helps. =]
2016-11-07 09:44:05 UTC
Books To Improve Vocabulary
2007-11-18 08:53:10 UTC
I think expanding your vocabulary and writing skills is a great idea. Reading does help you out and it may inspire you in so many ways.

I started writing... about three years ago and my vocabulary has expanded greatly, as well as my grammar and speaking skills. My writing skills of course went up as well. What got my inspired was the Harry Potter series, especially the fifth Harry Potter book, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" by J.K. Rowling. Here are a few other books I would try to help you get started:

1. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Series (1-4)

2. Wolf: The Journey Home by: 'Asta Bowen

3. Kira-Kira by: Cynthia Kadohta

4. After Hamlin by: Bill Richardson

5. The Sight by: David Clement-Davies

6. Marley and Me by: John Grogan

I hope I answered your question! Have fun!
2007-11-16 17:13:40 UTC
Learning new words does not insure that you will express yourself well in writing. There's grammar and punctuation of course, and then there's the matter of style. The first three elements - vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation - can be studied and learned. But to learn to write things that other people enjoy reading, you must develop a style. It's more difficult to "learn" style but you can begin to develop your own by reading other good writers. Read a lot - books, magazines, newspapers. By all means, read things you enjoy. Some of your answerers have suggested specific titles and many of them are good ones. Keep seeking out other suggestions. Your vocabulary will also improve as you read.

Start writing. Write letters. Write the assigned papers for your college courses. Ask friends who you think write more eloquently than you do to critique your writing. Keep writing.

This isn't something you can do over a long holiday weekend. It will require that you commit to a life-long effort.

As your first "critique" of your writing, I'll begin by analyzing your question. You have a run-on sentence which is not a question, yet you placed a question mark at the end. You neglected to put a period at the end of the last sentence. The sentences "any suggestion on good books..." and "good books to expand..." don't have a subject or verb.
2007-11-16 04:37:54 UTC
Read just about anything you see as you pass by everyday life, like the signs on billboards, if you're in doubt then make sure to check it out in your dictionary. Personally the books I found that helped me a lot in vocabulary and writing would be Edgar Allan Poe's Collection of Poems and Short stories (Though I am really a person into deep, tragic and macabre literature) I especially liked The murders in the Rue Morgue(Mysterious yet somehow humorous), and another book is Poetry Speaks, which is a collection of poems from several different inspirational authors, including Sylvia Plath (My favourite), T.S Elliot, H.D. etc. It also includes 3 CDs, of the authors in the book reciting their own poetry, though some recordings are a little too shabby, I find it historical and inspirational.
Kia Kroas
2007-11-17 16:05:21 UTC
Well, this isn't really an answer to your question since I'm not referring to a "book", but there is an interesting UN site to increase your vocabulary and be humanitarian as well.

It's a free, non-profit site that claims to donate, through the United Nations, 10 grains of rice for every word you get right. They give you a word and four choices of words, you find the synonym to the given word.

Learn a word and feed the hungry! Somewhat better than strenuous reading of a book.

Good luck with the grammar! English is a grammar freak.
Najah P.
2007-11-17 08:33:41 UTC
There are so many great answers here and I have to agree with most of them. The most efficient and significant vocabulary building tactic that I used was to start with books in a preferred genre. Then as I would read and come across a word I didn't understand, I would reread the sentence a few times. Before I looked up the definition, I would attempt to define it through context and then verify it. You'd be surprised at how many times you really do understand a word's meaning. Since the words were related to an experience, the knowledge stayed with me as opposed to monotonous drills.

If you're into Sci-Fi/Horror, I highly recommend H.P. Lovecraft.
2007-11-18 15:11:40 UTC
To the person who says reads lots and write a lot to expand vocabulary and writing skill, you make it sounds like it is easy which is not. Depending on the person and their brain functions are only able to handle what they can. Even though, your way is more likely the only way as to repetition of reading and writing to get good at building vocabulary and writing skills. Good Luck.
chris g
2007-11-18 01:22:47 UTC
The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. 3 volumes containing the entire 24 volumes of the original series. Comes with a magnifying glass...

Not only does it have definitions it has historical examples of how the words were used over the centuries.

It's relatively expensive but it's a lifetime resource for anyone wanting to write.

A Scrabble Dictionary is kind of fun too. As is playing Scrabble.
2007-11-16 23:42:52 UTC
Comic books--seriously! When I was a kid I read a lot of super hero comic books and others that were more "serious" than Daffy Duck or Archie. There were often new words or expressions I didn't know, which I looked up in the dictionary.

As for the non-illustrated type, go to your local bookstore and just about anything you grab out of the "classics" section is guaranteed to be an excellent piece of writing (at least in form, if not in content).
2007-11-17 15:21:00 UTC
From a personal experience, I suggest using a full dictionary this will help improving your word bank. I used to read about 10 words a day. in a year you will know a huge amount of new words.

for writing skills suggest you read some old English books, might be boring but has lots of imagination and advanced description.
2007-11-16 23:10:57 UTC
I cannot help you unfortunately with regard to your search for a useful writing skills guide...there are excellent ones available, but the sheer number of titles and styles is staggering.

As for Vocabulary Building, I highlyly recommend The Princeton Review's "WORD SMART" Series (Volumes I & II). These are well-arranged trade paperbacks which have you tackle roughly 30 words arranged in groups alphabetically (sp?), and they are not only useful and well-arranged, but highly-entertaining as well....The sample sentences used following definitions are definitely out-there and seem to have been cooked up by college kids after a few BT's. Funny Stuff. (NOTE: Series may have grown since first published in early 90's and may have added titles on Grammatical Usage as well. Start Here.)
2007-11-17 19:58:39 UTC
Check out Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He is an amazing author and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. He uses incredible vocabulary to describe the most mundane of events. A damn good read and a great vocabulary booster.
2007-11-17 08:24:57 UTC
Increasing your vocabulary can be done by reading books, but I don't think your vocabulary is poor. Focusing on trying to increase it might get you to start using words that most people don't understand. Words that make most people reach for a dictionary to try to figure out what you mean. I don't recommend it. It will make you sound like you're writing to impress rather than to communicate.

In my humble opinion, focusing on improving your writing skills (a broad subject) is much more important. But let me narrow the meaning of writing skills to "mechanics." And by mechanics, I mean you need to read a grammar book.

Here's why I think a grammar book is what would be of most value to you right now. The first sentence in your question (your Yahoo Answers question; the one I'm answering) is a run-on sentence. That's two sentences in one without punctuation.

You wrote "I need to expand my vocabulary and writing skills. . ." That represents one sentence. You then went on with ". . . any suggestion on good books to read during the holidays? That represents another sentence. But you ran them both together. That would cause any editor reading your work to toss it in the slush pile. She would do that because it would be immediately obvious to her that you don't yet have a handle on simple grammar and punctuation. No matter how talented you might be in terms of weaving an interesting story, your basic writing skills would be so poor that the editor wouldn't want to enherit the exausting labor of correcting all your gramatical errors.

Incidentally, you could put a semicolon between those sentences, but my personal preference would be to write them as two separate sentences.

We all have to start at the beginning. We all have to crawl before we can walk. We all have to understand grammar and punctuation before we move on serious writing.

The grammar book I would recommend for you is Warriner's English Grammar and Composition -- Complete Course. Mr. Warriner is now deceased, and I think the new title is English Composition and Grammar -- Complete Course. The book(s) are available from Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.

I you decide to embark on this adventure, simply start at page one, and move forward. Do each and every exercise, and try to understand why one choice is correct and the other is incorrect. If you can't figure it out yourself, ask a teacher (or a variety of teachers).

In the end, you will be a totally different person. You'll view writing as something you can do with confidence. You won't hang on the hope that your writing will be appreciated because you have a large vocabulary. You'll relish instead the compliments you receive for its clarity (an ability you achieve through a solid understanding of the basics) and for your ability to share knowledge through the use of common everyday words rather than words that force readers to run for the dictionary at the turn of every page.

Don't know whether this advice will ruffle your feathers or give you reason to jump in with a new resolve to improve your current skills. In the end it's your choice. The impression I get from you is that you have a lot of talent, know a lot more than most people realize, and can become a super star in the eyes of your teachers and peers if you go back to the basics (in your spare time) and make sure you understand them. That solid understanding of the basics will allow you to enter a new environment where you are not only confident about your writing, but can also look at the writing of your peers and easily offer sound advice on how to improve it.

Good luck.
2007-11-16 22:39:02 UTC
My suggestions are popular novels and plays like Shakespear, Poe, Wilde. And second, get a dictionary. My cousin and I use to play this game where we would let the dictionary fall open, then close our eyes and point out a word that we had to use all day. My last suggestion, trashy cheap novels. This worked for me and a couple of classmates great on the S.A.T's. They're not too explicit or graphic, but there are some words that I still don't know what they meant, lol.
2015-07-03 21:12:45 UTC
I find that reading a lot of things by Ernest Hemingway has helped. He has a very rich (and to be honest quite old) vocabulary. But it definitely helped me as a writer and as a student to get some unusual and somewhat more intellectual words in my mouth. Plus, he's a great storyteller and quite witty, so it's a great read. My favorite is A Farewell to Arms.
2007-11-17 01:06:41 UTC
Another poster suggested "Shrunk and White" but the book they actually meant was "Strunk and White: Elements of Style".

You really should go for this one, it is the most widely respected book on writing style and vocabulary and has been for a number of years.

It goes from the most basic advice to very advanced. I used to work in an office selling law books to law firms and this book was frequently bought by the offices of top lawyers for their biggest fee earners. Most universities also recommend this for their students, I went to Sheffield and I know they do there.
tequila lucky
2007-11-16 04:00:32 UTC
I would recommend anything by Robert Heinlein, especially

The Cat who walks through walls


The Moon is a harsh mistress

Expanded Universe

The Past through tomorrow

the number of the beast

Sail beyond the sunset

Job: a comedy of justice

stranger in a strange land

time enough for love

These are insightful, thought provoking and will expand your vocabulary without stretching beyond the realm of polite society
2007-11-18 06:19:04 UTC
Well for the vocabulary you can use a dictionary and for the writing skills there's a book called: Writing on the vol. It's a quick and practical solution for all your writing problems.
2007-11-16 13:54:12 UTC

I know that is a really good site for this.

It's run by the United Nations, and it's sort of a vocabulary game. For each word you get correct, they donate 10 grains of rice to the countries in poverty.

I know 10 grains of rice is, like, nothing, but play it for half an hour and you can donate probably 20 bowls worth. It makes a difference. And it really helps with vocabulary :)
2007-11-18 07:51:35 UTC
I know the best thing for you. Its a list of 101 greatest books recommended by College Board which enhances your vocaublary for college level education.

Sadly I dont have the url but just go to college board and you can find it easily. Click on students then test prep and then enhance vocaubulary. Not exactly sure but its easy to find get those 101 books im reading some of them now.

Hope this helped ya.. :)
2007-11-17 09:01:42 UTC
Get a subscription to Readers Digest. They have vocabulary words to learn in every issue and very interesting articles. Ask for a subscription for Christmas. Quick and easy reading and you learn new words in every issue. After you read the new word start using it in sentences when talking to friends and BANG you are getting a new vocabulary and that way you do not forget the word. Nicole
2007-11-16 17:24:42 UTC
Jane Eyre

Wuthering Heights

The Guide

The Bachelor of Arts

The Hound of The Baskervilles
2007-11-16 09:13:53 UTC
GRE Test Prep , Vocabulary Section
2007-11-17 10:32:33 UTC
You're going to require a good dictionary to get through these tightly written works:

1.) MAIN CURRENTS IN AMERICAN THOUGHT (1928 Pulitzer Prize winner) by Prof. Vernon Louis Parrington.

2.) THE LIFE OF THE MIND IN AMERICA (1961 Pulitzer Prize winner) by Prof. Perry G. Miller.

3.) PHINEAS FINN (1867) by Anthony Trollope
2007-11-16 18:05:37 UTC
One good book is "The House Behind The Cedars" by Charles W. Chestnutt. It is very well written. A good book to expand your vocabulary is "From Indians to Chicanos: The Dynamics of Mexican-American Culture" by James Diego Vigil.

Also, you can sign up for's word of the day

each day you will get a a new vocab word e-mailed to you, and that should help you improve your vocab, its worked for me.
2007-11-17 19:33:52 UTC
I suppose this is above the dictionary and secretarial sentence constructional handbook.

Verbal and grammar books help, that is what I used in College.

Remember,, the book store isles are not just for students taking the courses itemized there( ie,education-for those going into teaching) ...look around ,, you will be surprised what you will find in another courses preferred books.
2007-11-18 07:29:07 UTC
whenever you read a good book it will enrich you with vocabulary plus some history of the time in which the book is set up.iwill suggest to you two books, i read them when i was in hight scool in italian then i read them in english recently after almost thirty years. they are:: 1) the Good Earth by Pearl S Buck 2) the Painted Veil by W Somerset Maugham i hope you will enjoy them
My Rose
2007-11-17 17:47:12 UTC
Readers Digest, a good dictionary and English Classics like Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens and Enid Blyton(this is not a classic though)
2007-11-17 14:24:44 UTC
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis is a really good book with LOTS of words. I use it all the time in my English 12 class. Hope that helps!!
2007-11-16 10:52:36 UTC
Most book store's offer books that are made to help with SAT's. They offer words through out the book that do exactly what you want Expand you 'r Vocabulary. Check out Banres and Nobles website.
2007-11-17 11:21:52 UTC
Read as much as possible. Extensive reading will develop your vocabulary as you learn new words in context. Reading good books will also make you a better writer as you learn through other writers' example.
2007-11-16 17:25:16 UTC
There is this book called "A Writer's Reference" by Diana Hacker. It is the best book to help you with your writing skills! It will help you throughout all four years of college!
2007-11-16 06:52:58 UTC
To Kill A Mockingbird or A Separate Peace. Man these were good books I read in the 2nd grade. Yes I am A NERD!!!
2007-11-17 06:54:32 UTC
I have found that reading romance novels has helped me with my vocabulary. My favorite authors are Christine Feehan and Karen Moning. In my opinion this two authors wright some really great novels with bunches of big words in them.
Tyler K
2007-11-16 10:28:50 UTC
In my Junior Honors English Class, we read Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson and both of these authors helped me in finding my personal self and what I believe life is supposed to be. These writers were Transcendentalists who set the way for future writers to come. Hope this helps...
2007-11-16 06:16:10 UTC
expanding ur vocab is not a one step process..

1. read a goodnewspaper with importance to editorials and opinion columns and also the write ups in supplementaries.. they give u a good idea of words that are actually of use in ur environment.. definetely recollect what u read.. else the whole exercise is wasted

2. it is said that reading makes an informed man, writing makes an exact man and conversation makes a ready man.. so read, write and converse what uve learnt.. only then it stays for long..

3. avoid speakin in terms of "stuff", "thing", "you know", "something like that", that sort of thing etc etc...

use the right words.. use elegant words.. frame sentences while sitting alone.. speakin the right way would help u retain a lot of what uve learnt

4. building ur vocab is simple.. its not like going through manuals and classics... just read what u like and definetely write what u like a dairy or scrap book etc..

5.. most important: using words that people dont understand , that are lesser known, and that are out of ordinary men's league is not really the goal of building ur vocab.. one builds his vocab to convey ideas more assertively, more forcefully, more captivatingly.. complex words are not really necessary for that.. example: ernest hemingways writing.. very vivid, very simple and very impactful.

6********* rather than learning words from ur books,, try grasping the way they project an idea, and how they play with words,,. note the elegance and smooth flow of ideas.. once u learn to notice this ur vocab will automatically improve and words will fall into place on their own.. so work towards goal number 6.. the rest will fall in place.. happy reading!!
2007-11-18 01:30:50 UTC
have you read the "Lord of the Rings"?! It has a wonderful selection of vocabulary from the all over the world of origins. It was also very well written.
2007-11-17 10:13:24 UTC
In my Opinion, the best way to improve your Vocab is through reading at all times and keeping a notebook to jot down the difficult and that most hard words to remember, further if you have some time to yourself reminisce the words learnt
Read B
2007-11-16 15:07:44 UTC
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

hardest but best book i have ever read
rene c
2007-11-16 08:23:14 UTC
I suggest vocabulary builder by Norman Lewis.
2007-11-17 13:16:49 UTC
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is an excellent.
2007-11-17 01:25:58 UTC
Reader's Digest - How to Write and Speak Better. It's a wonderful book. Very expensive, but it's worth it.
2007-11-16 11:17:58 UTC
Reader's Digest: They have a feature called Word Power, which is a list of words and their definitions. I had a teacher who used lists from old digests one year, and she was in fact one of my better teachers.

Also, look up books by Sir Walker Scott, Louisa May Alcott, and Jules Verne among others. Their writing may not be exactly 'modern', but it is very detailed and does encourage you to pay attention and actually study.

Good luck!
2017-03-05 09:23:21 UTC
Watching tv is easier but I love reading books more
2017-01-31 12:20:35 UTC
while reading a book, you're stimulating your brain. You transform your literacy and reading skills therefore you in the process, become more literate. Even with today's modern technology, you still need to have the ability to read.

While you're watching t.v. can be good fun, it isn't doing anything to the human brain.
2014-09-03 19:59:46 UTC
I you decide to embark on this adventure, simply start at page one, and move forward. Do each and every exercise, and try to understand why one choice is correct and the other is incorrect. If you can't figure it out yourself, ask a teacher (or a variety of teachers).
2007-11-15 20:39:51 UTC
A Wrinkle in Time


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

The Miracle Worker

Great Expectations

How to kill a Mockingbird


The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Cask of Amontillado

The Oddessy

The Illiad

Paradise Lost

Around the World in 80 Days

20,00 Leagues Under the Sea
2007-11-17 08:56:11 UTC

this book will teach you the words etymologically. so you will not only learn new words faster but you will remember the words in a better way.

like for example "alter" in Latin means "other".

hence from this root comes the words:

"alternative" which means the ''other" option.

"altercation" which means a "verbal dispute" arising from "other" ideas and opinions

all the best!
2007-11-17 08:38:38 UTC
The Illiad, Alice in Wonderland and the Hunt of the Snark.
yin yang
2007-11-16 21:06:14 UTC
pg wodehouse, he write excellent 'comic novels.' he blends amazing vocabulary with hilarious plots, using subtle british humour. i personally don't like classics (which are what would improve my english), so this is a great alternative. i'd recommend the wooster and jeeves series, they're excellent, as well as 'the luck of the bodkins,' if you can find it.

good luck!
2007-11-17 23:38:12 UTC
The dictionary(in english&slang)

No seriuosly..try some literature..

Brave new world by ALDOUS HUXLY is surprisingly 'new age'for literature,it' a trippy book(written by a guy who conducted experiments on self with LSD,so as you might imagine it happens in a WONDERFUL(eden like planet)World...

if you do ever red it,let us know what you thought(even teanagers can get into please don't imagine i hooked you up with some shakesperian typ book.
2007-11-15 21:55:28 UTC
Intuition by Allegra Goodman. Probably one of the worst books I've ever read plot-wise (regardless of what the NY Times book review says), but if you're looking for vocabulary expansion, it's a 344 page exercise in GRE vocab preparation.
2007-11-17 10:15:53 UTC
Strunk & White's "The Elements Of Style". It is brief, concise and the bible for anybody interested in the English language...An absolutely essential tool for clear communication.

Mine is paperback and only set me back $4.95.
Hey Jud
2007-11-15 20:16:23 UTC
Noah Lukeman's Books, including, "A Dash of Style: The Art of Punctuation", "The First Five Pages", and others.
2007-11-16 09:29:30 UTC
Bartlett's Book of Quotations
2007-11-17 18:21:56 UTC
there is a new gameboy advanced game or something like that. It just came out and I saw it had something for the computer. It wasnt for kids mainly either. You know how they have that game for adult with their memory. Im sorry lol I cant think of the name
2007-11-17 15:21:07 UTC
english is my second language, and the books that helped me in my english are His Dark Materials Trilogy, or u could read To Kill a Mocking Bird if u haven't done so.
2007-11-16 17:43:15 UTC
Roget's Thesaurus.
pj therapy
2007-11-16 10:56:10 UTC
There is a terrific book out there called How to Say it Right
2007-11-15 23:21:43 UTC
English books of White and Shrunk. There is also a FREE online English lecture (they give daily lessons) by the UK embassy. Get into the net. and search for that.
2007-11-17 13:44:50 UTC
Try "Population:485" by Michael Perry

I found it very entertaining and insightful, even though it's a non-fiction book.
2007-11-15 18:17:18 UTC
In High School I did a book report (a wise-guy type of report) that proved to be more beneficial than I thought. Everything is in this book grammar, spelling etc... there's no plot and or theme but a very worth while book to study, and I would almost bet you have one at arms reach------the dictionary-----have fun. Will.
2007-11-16 12:14:19 UTC
a child called it.!!! by daniel pelazer or steve pelzer.. amzing true story about a boy who survived the 3rd worse child abuse case in the state od califorina . A MUST READ !!
world bird
2007-11-17 05:26:09 UTC
I think that you need to read some narrating book. or to make some friends on net. and keep to write letter to your friends every day .
2007-11-16 09:50:56 UTC
Anything by EB White
2007-11-17 22:49:18 UTC





for writing

Main sentence

3 supporting


Best OGT paragraph template ever@!!
2007-11-16 21:52:25 UTC
Shakespeare!! At first you may go cross-eyed, but it's amazing how quickly you adapt to the language and really get into it.
2007-11-16 20:04:47 UTC
Ted Dekker is one of my favorite authors. He will certainly challenge your imagination. My favorites are Three, Skin, and Saint.
2007-11-16 03:25:25 UTC
there are lots of good books.. you can visit the library and find some.. do not forget the dictionary.. this can expand your vocabulary.. read and read.. it will enhance your skills..
2007-11-16 01:54:11 UTC
To kill a Mocking bird is a really famous book that is pretty good to me.

You can read "the merchant of Venice" from the internet which is a really good book.

I say Artemis Fowl books are more entertaining then learning.

Robinson Cursoe will bore your heads out while teaching you.
2007-11-17 14:09:08 UTC
read complicated, historical novels or moby dick or some classic check out the historical section in ur local library
2007-11-16 12:18:00 UTC
I have always been told by teachers and psychaitrist that any news paper will do the trick, and will show faster results than books and magazines!!!
2007-11-15 15:27:44 UTC
Romio and Juliet

Twelfth Night


The Merchant of Venice

The Wind in The Willows

The Truth about Sparrows


Great Expectations

The Three Musketeers

Native Son

The Pilgram's Progress

King Leer

The Taming of the Shrew

Billy Budd

Bud not Buddy

Wuthering Heights

And alot more classic books including the Canterbury Tales.
ahmed k
2007-11-17 02:33:51 UTC
Read all Harry potter series,

If selective,read Shakespeare,

Charles dickens is good,

Nova ls and stories as you please,

And as you like it,


After reading all this,read dictionary,

For further Reading contact in my E-MAIL.
2007-11-15 23:41:11 UTC
Dictionary By Webster
sandy k
2007-11-17 22:42:14 UTC
log on site www.arco which is best vocabulary builder
Wayne ahrRg
2007-11-18 03:48:58 UTC
A dictionary or a thesaurus
2007-11-16 04:59:21 UTC
try reading the Harry Potter series
2014-05-08 09:40:02 UTC
Having a good vocabulary is more than knowing a large number of words. It is ability to choose words with greater precision and at the appropriate time. The ultimate language challenge is here. Check it out and follow to help improve your vocabulary.
2007-11-17 13:40:58 UTC
try the books of Shakespeare and Homer..
Love to follow the good sports
2007-11-16 23:14:49 UTC
The dictionary & crosswords. Look up words you don't know.
jayne t
2007-11-16 20:50:24 UTC
Just search "writer tools" and there's tons of information there.
2007-11-16 19:17:23 UTC
The Bible, the dictionary, shakespeare.
2007-11-17 13:12:11 UTC
Try any synonym antonym dictionary.
2007-11-17 12:44:03 UTC
the tale of desperaux

by kate dicamillo
2007-11-16 06:47:35 UTC
simply the dictionary, a thesauraous(think i spelled that wrong) and just write.
Sharon J
2007-11-15 18:59:00 UTC
Read War and Peace, and the sport section of the New York Daily Newspaper, along with an unabridged dictionary
2007-11-17 12:38:59 UTC
if you read all these suggestions you won't have time to talk or write.
2007-11-15 21:22:38 UTC
hey good morning.learning vocabulary is good but the way u r intending is not exactly correct.

If u had done ur schooling in English medium .just have a look at ur previous read books in school may be english readers.

if u don't have ur old books plz read diff news papers.
Doris P
2007-11-18 04:52:32 UTC
go to the library
2007-11-17 04:45:52 UTC
in my opinion i prefer to make chatting on yahoo messenger

many will help me in that
emma w
2007-11-18 03:17:37 UTC
read the northernlights, sudtile knife and the amber spyglass
James E. C
2007-11-17 07:19:16 UTC
1011 words you need to know.
2007-11-15 17:21:34 UTC
Jane Austen and Philippa Gregory
2007-11-16 11:53:40 UTC
the dictionary
2007-11-17 09:43:40 UTC
do not listen to this english equitted idiots on yahoo
2016-03-14 03:08:31 UTC
difficult subject. lookup in google. this can assist!
2007-11-17 08:03:36 UTC
hmm, a dictionary?
2007-11-17 01:20:57 UTC
please do so .u should read five point someone .latest editions of reader's dagest that will help u alot.
2007-11-16 17:19:43 UTC
Ask Mr. Websters. Thanks For The 2 Points!
2007-11-18 15:00:11 UTC
study study study!!!
Smart Guy
2007-11-18 14:28:14 UTC
kikka mn
2007-11-16 01:14:14 UTC
sandy j
2007-11-15 16:16:35 UTC
Copy the dictionary..over and over words you don't know. Also you could learn a different language.........
2009 time to shine
2007-11-15 16:20:46 UTC
the bible, as it is the most borrowed from of all literary classics...
2007-11-15 15:35:53 UTC
Get hooked on Phonics =]]

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.