For Reports:
From the Design Tools drag & drop a TEXTBOX into the area where you want the calculation to show up.
If You right click the TEXT BOX the PROPERTIES will open. Click the DATA tab and put your calulation in CONTROL SOURCE. If You Click the "..." to the right of CONTROL SOURCE the EXPRESSION BUILDER will open. You can view a list of common expressions & the help files for each from there.
In the PROPERTIES click the FORMAT tab and you can change how the results of your calculation appear (IE: 40% or $50).
Type your Expression in the FIELD: line. If You right click a column and click BUILD... the EXPRESSION BUILDER will open.
Common calculations are fairly simple:
Rates/Percents are also fairly easy:
On reports put your TEXTBOX in a "FOOTER SECTION" and you can Summ up the columns:
=SUM ([Field1]+[Field2])
For Queries you'll have to click the SUM icon on the tool bar before this works.
There simply isn't enough room to fill in all of the details...this should get you going though.